
Events are regularly organised within the framework of NFDI. Here you can find out which events, lectures, conferences and meetings are planned. The responsibility for the content and organisation of the listed events lies with the respective organisers.

Datum/Date Event Veranstalter/Organizer Ort/Location Info
03.02.2025 NFDITalk: ROkit – Easy research data management FAIR from the start NFDI4Ing online Info
05.02.2025 Cyberfrühstück Data Ecosystems online Info
05.02.2025 Veranstaltungsreihe FAIR February: F wie Qualitätssicherung Text+ online Info
06.02.2025 2nd Use Case Call: Open presentation with Q&A FAIRagro online Info
06.-07.02.25 Forum “Musik – Medien – Kulturerbe: Schnittpunkte zwischen Daten, Forschung und Infrastruktur” NFDI4Culture Detmold & online Info
10.02.2025 NFDIxCS Soiree #7: Proofs, Traces, and Reproducibility: Advancing Research Data Management NFDIxCS Online Info
10.02.2025 IO-Lecture: OAPEN & DOAB Text+ online Info
11.02.2025 Large Language Models and the Future of Scientific Publishing NFDI4Chem, MatWerk, KonsortSWD, NFDI4Earth, Text+ Frankfurt am Main Info
12.02.2025 Veranstaltungsreihe FAIR February: A wie Usability Text+ online Info
13.02.2025 Meet-the-Data: Forschungsdaten der Deutschen Rentenversicherung Bund – Zugang und Potentiale KonsortSWD-NFDI4Society online Info
17.02.2025 NFDITalk: Introducing the Knowledge Graph Infrastructure Base Service KGI4NFDI online Info
19.02.2025 Veranstaltungsreihe FAIR February: I wie BEACON Text+ online Info
21.02.2025 From Books to Bytes: Historische Quellen automatisiert erschließen: Einführung in die digitale Textanalyse mit Topic Modeling NFDI4Memory online Info
26.02.2025 FAIRmat tutorial 16: Getting started with NOMAD for materials-science research data management FAIRmat online Info
26.02.2025 Veranstaltungsreihe FAIR February: R wie Dokumentation Text+ online Info
03.03.2025 NFDITalk: LARA-a universal tool for managing your reasearch data NFDI4Cat online Info
19.-10.03.2025 BERD Unconference Workshop – Cologne BERD@NFDI Uni Köln Info
17.03.2025 NFDITalk: Framework for RDM in engineering sciences – A Dissertation NFDI4Ing online Info
17.-19.03.25 Vom Beweis zum Bibliotheksregal – Workshop rund um Forschungsdatenmanagement für die Mathematik MaRDI online Info
21.03.2025 From Books to Bytes: Zotero als Werkzeug zum persönlichen Forschungsdatenmanagement NFDI4Memory online Info
20.-21.03.2025 Workshop Retrodigitalisierung zum Thema “Digitalisierte Sammlungen präsentieren – Konzeptionierung, Darstellung und Vermittlung” NFDI4Culture ZB MED in Köln Info
25.-26.03.2025 2nd NFDI4Energy Conference NFDI4Energy Karlsruhe tba
02.04.2025 NFDIxCS Symposium NFDIxCS Potsdam Info
07.04.2025 NFDITalk: DMP4NFDI basic service DMP4NFDI online Info
07.-09.04.2025 NFDI4Microbiota Knowledge Base Sprint NFDI4Microbiota Hybrid/Aachen Info
25.04.2025 From Books to Bytes: Die Begriffe der Geschichte: Kontrollierte Vokabulare und Sachbegriffsressourcen für die digitale historische Arbeit NFDI4Memory online Info
25.04.2025 Social-Media-Daten: Show & Tell – Rechtsextremismus- und Demokratieforschung NFDI4Culture, BERD@NFDI, KonsortSWD und Text+ online Info
05.05.2025 NFDITalk: How we make data FAIR at DAPHNE4NFDI DAPHNE4NFDI online Info
19.05.2025 NFDITalk: OER-Metadata (DALIA, NFDI4Memory, NFDI4Cultre, QUADRIGA) online Info
23.05.2025 From Books to Bytes: Kompetent Recherchieren nach Literatur und mehr: zentrale Tools des Fachinformationsdienstes Geschichtswissenschaft NFDI4Memory online Info
02.06.2025 NFDITalk: Cloud based image data science NFDI4Bioimage online Info
16.06.2025 NFDITalk: Research Data Management in Laboratory Course RDM4Lab online Info
16.-17.06.25 RDM School of Catalysis NFDI4Cat Frankfurt am Main Info
16.-17.06.25 4. Text+ Plenary Text+ Göttingen tba
17.-20.06.25 DARIAH Annual Event 2025 DARIAH-DE Göttingen Info 
20.06.2025 Social-Media-Daten: Show & Tell – Rechtsextremismus- und Demokratieforschung NFDI4Culture, BERD@NFDI, KonsortSWD und Text+ online Info
20.06.2025 From Books to Bytes: Forschungsdaten digital managen mit FuD. Ein vielseitiges Tool für die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften NFDI4Memory online Info
26.-28.08.2025 2nd Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI) NFDI-Geschäftsstelle Aachen Info
16.09.2025 NFDI4Memory 3. Community Forum NFDI4Memory Bonn Info
24.-26.09.2025 Culture Community Plenary NFDI4Culture Mainz tba
22.10.-23.10.2025 NFDI4Cat Summit NFDI4Cat Frankfurt am Main tba

2nd Conference on Research Data Infrastructure: 
RDM in Action

August 26th – 28th, 2025

Aachen (Germany)


Research data form the basis for knowledge and innovation throughout all scientific disciplines. They play a fundamental role in the progress of our society. The key to using this data is an effective infrastructure.

The Association German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) is initiating the second Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI) from 26th to 28th August 2025. The main topics of the conference include technical and non-technical aspects for establishing interdisciplinary research data management (RDM).

The Conference on Research Data Infrastructure stands for more comprehensive knowledge through better use of research data, for innovations and the resulting social benefits. Under this year’s theme “RDM in Action” national and international stakeholders from all research fields as well as from the infrastructure sector are invited to present their contributions to an excellent RDM of the future and to exchange information about the latest developments. The conference is organized by NFDI in cooperation with RWTH Aachen University. NFDI contributors as well as all other RDM interested stakeholders will have the opportunity to meet at the Campus of RWTH Aachen University.


Topics of Interest

There will be disciplinary and cross-disciplinary tracks. We encourage submissions from national, European and global initiatives and programmes, including, but not limited to: NFDI, EOSC, ESFRI, RDA, ReSA, Australian Data Commons, NIH Biocommons, NIST etc.

The disciplinary tracks address infrastructure aspects relevant for the individual disciplines:

  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Engineering

The cross-disciplinary tracks address more specific topics regarding the delivery of RDM infrastructure:

  • Impact of RDM: This track is about how to understand, measure and encourage the impact of research data.
  • RDM in Context: This track is about the larger context of research data including standardization efforts, supporting services, working in international contexts, and  cultural change. Both technical and organizational submissions are encouraged.
  • RDM Infrastructures: This track is about the technical infrastructure including software that supports RDM and research data interoperability and use.
  • Educating RDM:  This track is on data literacy – educating users on research data management but also for skills development in domains.


  • We are soliciting submission of “Resources and Experiences” documented by an abstract of 500 words and, more importantly, links to relevant materials.
  • The links may include PIDs to publications, data sets, software, training material, videos, etc. 
  • All submissions have to be submitted via the conference submission system EasyChair:
  • Submissions have to be formatted in the style of the conference proceedings. You can find the templates below.
  • Each submission should clearly indicate the track it is to be submitted to, and how the work relates to Research Data Infrastructures addressing the topics of that track.
  • The conference language is English, but German-language submissions can also be accepted. 

Curation of Sessions

The Track Chairs will select a pool of submitted papers according to the criteria timeliness and relevance, substance and soundness, clarity and impact for acceptance. Based on the pool of selected papers each session is curated to help create an engaging and informative event.


Proceedings and Presentations

Accepted submissions will be part of the conference proceedings and will be published Open Access under the CC BY Licence with the authors keeping the rights in the contributions.

It is expected that at least one author of each accepted submission registers for attending the conference and presenting the submission. Each accepted submission will be given a speaking slot, poster presentation or an equivalent role.


Important Dates 

  • Abstract submissions due: April 17, 2025
  • Abstract notifications due: May 27, 2025
  • Conference days: August 26-28, 2025

All deadlines are midnight UTC time.


General Chair and Programme Chair

  • General Chair: York Sure-Vetter (NFDI & KIT, Germany)
  • Programme Chair: Paul Groth (Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Templates and EasyChair

Templates and EasyChair