NFDI: Data as a common good for excellent research, organised by the scientific community in Germany.

NFDI: Data as a common good for excellent research, organised by the scientific community in Germany.

Our network

The non-profit association Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V., based in Karlsruhe, was founded in October 2020 to coordinate the activities to develop NFDI. More than 270 institutions are now members of NFDI. Science organisations, universities, higher education institutions, non-university research institutions, scientific societies and associations are all involved. The future of research data management in Germany is being jointly shaped by a strong network.

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Our structure

The individual scientific disciplines are involved in the NFDI in consortia. In each of these, numerous institutions are organised and work together on internal and interdisciplinary topics.
Many topics are relevant for all or several consortia. These are jointly identified and addressed in sections. The network of consortia, Base4NFDI, develops basic services for NFDI.
The association’s statutes also provide for five organisational bodies: The General Assembly of members, the Board of Trustees, the Scientific Senate, the Consortia Assembly and the Directorate. Together they shape NFDI.

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Our vision und mission

The vision of NFDI is data as a common good for excellent research, organised by the scientific community in Germany.

Step by step, we are improving the possibilities for utilising data for science and society. Our collaboration in the NFDI Association is creating an overarching organisation for research data management in all branches of science. In collaboration with national and international partners, we are creating the framework conditions for legally compliant, interoperable and sustainable data infrastructures that are easily accessible for researchers in their day-to-day work. We provide training, strengthen expertise in handling data and open up new career paths.

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Our international engagement

NFDI represents Germany as a mandated member of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). NFDI is also a member of the internationally active Research Data Alliance (RDA).


CoRDI 2025: Call for Contributions published

The submission phase for the second edition of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI) is now open. The conference will take place from August 26 to 28, 2025 at RWTH Aachen University. A broad program is expected to take place in the lecture hall center C.A.R.L. with keynotes, lectures, poster sessions and a market of opportunities.

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NFDI at the Love Data Week 2025

Love Data Week (LDW) is an international week of action around the topics of research data and research data management. Under the motto “Whose Data Is It, Anyway?”, Love Data 2025 will be celebrated worldwide from February 10 – 14 with numerous events on a wide variety of topics.

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Episode 5 of NFDI Podcasts (German): Daten in FAIR Data Spaces rechtssicher teilen

In dieser Episode werfen wir einen Blick auf die rechtlichen und ethischen Herausforderungen bei der Nutzung von Forschungsdatensätzen. Constantin Breß vom FIZ Karlsruhe erklärt uns, wie Daten sicher, effizient und rechtskonform zwischen Forschung und Industrie ausgetauscht werden können. Wir diskutieren, wie Datenschutz, Geschäftsgeheimnisse und ethische Standards harmonisiert werden können, um die Zusammenarbeit zu fördern.

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Many topics are relevant to all or several disciplines. These cross-cutting topics are jointly identified and dealt with in sections, which are thematic departments.



The individual disciplines are organised in NFDI consortia. There are currently 26 funded consortia and the joint network of consortia, Base4NFDI. Up to 80 institutions are connected in each consortium and work together on internal and interdisciplinary topics.

Basic services

  • Base4NFDI: Basic services for NFDI (joint network of consortia)

Humanities and Social Sciences

  • BERD@NFDI: NFDI for Business, Economic and Related Data
  • KonsortSWD: Consortium for the Social, Educational, Behavioural and Economic Sciences
  • NFDI4Culture: Consortium for Research Data on Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage
  • NFDI4Memory: The Consortium for the Historically Oriented Humanities
  • NFDI4Objects: Research Data Infrastructure for the Material Remains of Human History
  • Text+: Language and text-based research data infrastructure

Engineering Sciences

  • NFDI4DataScience: NFDI for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
  • NFDI4Energy: National Research Data Infrastructure for Interdisciplinary Energy System Research
  • NFDI4Ing: NFDI for Engineering Sciences
  • NFDI-MatWerk: National Research Data Infrastructure for Materials Science and Materials Engineering
  • NFDIxCS – National Research Data Infrastructure for and with Computer Science

Life Sciences

Natural Sciences

  • DAPHNE4NFDI: Data from PHoton and Neutron Experiments for NFDI
  • FAIRmat: FAIR Data Infrastructure for Condensed-Matter Physics and the Chemical Physics of Solids
  • NFDI4Cat: NFDI for sciences related to catalysis
  • MaRDI: Mathematical Research Data Initiative
  • NFDI4Chem: Chemistry consortium for the NFDI
  • NFDI4Earth: NFDI Consortium Earth System Sciences
  • PUNCH4NFDI: Particles, Universe, NuClei and Hadrons for the NFDI

Directorate and Office

As the association’s board of directors, the directorate – consisting of Prof Dr York Sure Vetter and an administrative director (n.n.) – coordinates the association’s bodies, provides support for strategic, cross-consortia cooperation and represents the association externally.

Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter

Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter


The directorate is supported by the staff of the NFDI office. This is where the threads of the organisation come together. The office is the contact point for internal and external enquiries and is located in Karlsruhe.

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Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V.

Albert-Nestler-Straße 13 | 76131 Karlsruhe





German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

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