As key players in the development of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), the 26 specialist consortia present an initial overview of four years of joint work in a paper published on zenodo.
In the current phase of the structure evaluation and the subsequent decision of the Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz (GWK) on the continuation of NFDI, the consortia are commenting on the status quo and the future of NFDI and are thus addressing the working group of the Wissenschaftsrat, the NFDI expert committee of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the decision-makers at federal and state level.
The position paper deals with added value that has already been created by NFDI and the realization of which is still being worked on:
- Effective support for scientific research processes through powerful data services
Promotion of a cultural change towards FAIR data sharing - Leading role in the further development of professional research data management (RDM)
- Digital sovereignty and an open-source approach as a working paradigm
- Professionalization and IT security in the provision of services
The consortia also cite numerous examples that illustrate the high degree of networking of NFDI.
A future-oriented paragraph presents the framework conditions that the consortia believe are necessary for successful further development. From this, they derive two core requirements for a new agreement between the federal and state governments: Prospects should be created for specialist staff and the long-term operation of services should be made possible.
The Consortium Assembly of the NFDI Association has given its consent in a circulation procedure for the position paper to be published in its name.
You can find the position paper here on zenodo.
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