The basic service initiatives Jupyter4NFDI, DMP4NFDI and KGI4NFDI have submitted applications for funding. At its meeting on 12 April, the Consortia Assembly (KV) of the NFDI Association voted in favour of funding the three applications. This means that the projects can start their first phase (initialisation phase) in the near future. The funding will be provided via Base4NFDI.
Here you will find an overview of all previous submission rounds:
The Jupyter-Notebooks application is used for various tasks in dealing with research data, e.g. for data analysis and visualisation, statistical modelling, machine learning and deep learning.
The widespread use of Jupyter notebooks in all scientific disciplines emphasises their fundamental importance in current research practice. Their use in various NFDI consortia currently takes place via individual JupyterHubs, which leads to access barriers to computing and data resources. Only some of the services are widely available, many are inaccessible. Jupyter4NFDI aims to provide a centralised service. Access is to be simplified and user-friendliness significantly improved. IAM4NFDI will be integrated to control access to the centralised service and external resources.
It is important that the centralised system not only simplifies access, but also supports the import of projects with their necessary dependencies and thus promotes an ecosystem that enables the creation of reproducible FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs). Jupyter4NFDI is committed to a collaborative and centralised approach that makes Jupyter notebooks for computational, reproducible research accessible to everyone within NFDI and beyond.
More: Jupyter4NFDI (
A new basic service for NFDI-wide data management plans (DMP) and software management plans (SMP) is being created under the name DMP4NFDI. The service includes the hosting of the open source DMP tool Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) at a central location, coordination and support in the creation of templates and content standardisation, as well as advice and training for the members of the consortia responsible for DMP. These measures aim to create discipline-specific DMP templates in standardised, machine-readable and interoperable formats and to support and improve communication between the various stakeholders and services involved in the RDM process, as well as processes such as data collection and validation. The initialisation phase includes the involvement of consortia as early adopters. The resulting service maximises the benefits of widespread adoption and use of DMPs for the entire NFDI research data ecosystem by centrally coordinating the interoperability and integration of DMPs using RDMO.
More: DMP4NFDI (
Knowledge graphs (KG) are an important and powerful semantic network and a tool for interoperability in research. While several consortia are already developing their own KG solutions, a centralised and reusable KG infrastructure (KGI) is missing. This basic service will provide components of such a KGI. These include a KG registry that aggregates information on all KGs contributed by NFDI consortia and their research communities, as well as a service to facilitate access to these KGs. In addition, the basic service aims to empower research communities to create KGs by providing the necessary technologies and expertise for decentralised KG instances based on standards and proven approaches. The basic service will complement international SC initiatives such as those of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
More: KGI4NFDI (
News on the Base4NFDI website: 3 more! Basic Services accepted for Initialisation – Base4NFDI
About the process: Process – Decision Making (
More about Base4NFDI:
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