Love Data Week 2024

(Published on 09.02.2024) The Love Data Week will take place from February 12 to 16, 2024 under the motto “My Kind of Data“. Numerous national and international organizations are offering exciting events in various formats such as coffee lectures, training courses, podcasts and information events online and in person. The offer is aimed at researchers and students of all qualification levels and disciplines, scientific infrastructure and service employees, citizen scientists and all other interested parties.

NFDI events as part of the Love Data Week 2024:

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Funding for new basic services for Jupyter notebooks, data management plans and knowledge graphs

The basic service initiatives Jupyter4NFDI, DMP4NFDI and KGI4NFDI have submitted applications for funding. At its meeting on 12 April, the Consortia Assembly (KV) of the NFDI Association voted in favour of funding the three applications. This means that the projects can start their first phase (initialisation phase) in the near future. The funding will be provided via Base4NFDI.

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New chairs elected for the Consortium Assembly

The Consortium Assembly of the NFDI Association elected new chairpersons at its meeting on 12 April 2024. Prof Dr Christoph Eberl (NFDI-MatWerk), Dr Barbara Ebert (NFDI4Biodiversity) and Prof Dr Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters (NFDI4BIOIMAGE) will hold the chairmanship for the next two-year term of office as a cooperative team.

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