Logo Love Data Week 2023

(Published on 24.01.2023) Research and data simply belong together. Extensive data sets provide the basis for understanding interrelationships and promoting new insights. However, storing data securely and describing it in a comprehensible way can be challenging. Why it is worthwhile nonetheless, how sustainable research data management works and what tips and tricks researchers can use will be shown during the “Love Data Week” from 13 to 17 February 2023. German-language initiatives and advice centres on research data management will offer an extensive programme during the international campaign week around Valentine’s Day..

The safe and competent handling of research data is an important component of good scientific practice. The advisory and service centers of the scientific research institutions, the state initiatives as well as the supra-regionally active associations, NFDI consortia, initiatives and working groups related to research data management have joined forces this year to raise awareness for a more conscious handling of research data within the framework of the international action week “Love Data Week”. To this end, the action partners are offering various formats such as coffee lectures, continuing education courses, podcasts, and information events both online and in person between February 13 and 17, 2023, under the motto “Data: Agent of Change.”

The free offer is aimed at researchers and students of all qualification levels and disciplines, scientific infrastructure and service staff, citizen scientists and all other interested parties and can be accessed at forschungsdaten.info.

An overview of all offers and the participating partners can be found here: https://forschungsdaten.info/fr/fdm-im-deutschsprachigen-raum/deutschland/love-data-week/

NFDI Events during the Love Data Week:

For a FAIR Data Future. Creating the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

Lecture and Q&A session

The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) aims to establish and permanently operate a comprehensive range of research data management services for researchers from all disciplines. This presentation offers an overview of current developments, an insight into practical implementation and an outlook on the future of the NFDI.

in English:    17 February, 7-8 pm CET (=1-2 pm EST), to the registration

This talk is also offered in German a day earlier:
auf deutsch: 16. Februar 17:00-18:00 Uhr, zur Anmeldung

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Funding for new basic service nfdi.software

Base4NFDI is delighted to announce that the nfdi.software proposal has been accepted for funding of the initialisation phase following the Consortia Assembly’s decision!
This marks a growth in NFDI’s initiative to build basic services for consortia and demonstrates a step forward in the efforts to create RDM-enabling services from across the German research landscape.

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