(Published on 16.10.2023) The International Data Week takes place from 23 to 26 October in Salzburg. NFDI will present a panel discussion at the event and will be represented at the poster session.
Panel Discussion: Standards for a FAIR Data Future: How to Advance Standardization in Data Management?
- Prof. Dr. Petra Ritter (EOSC, Charité)
- Dr. Christian Grimm (DFN)
- Dr. Andreas Kosmider (Falling Walls Foundation)
- Anna Petschulies / Roman Grahle. (DIN)
- Dr. Brigitte Mathiak (NFDI Section Metadata; GESIS)
More information: https://www.scidatacon.org/IDW-2023-Salzburg/sessions/522/
IDW Poster Session:
- Fostering FAIR data with Terminology Services – Angelina Kraft , Felix Engel , Anette Ganske , Axel Klinger , Oliver Koepler , Markus Stocker
- Chemistry-specific training program for research data management – Daniela Adele Hausen , Ann-Christin Andres , Benjamin Golub , Pascal Robert Scherreiks
- The FAIRagro Data Steward Service Center (DSSC) – Wahib Sahwan , Marcus Schmidt , Florian Beyer , Elena Rey-Mazón , Lucia Vedder , Nikolai Svoboda
More information: https://www.scidatacon.org/IDW-2023-Salzburg/sessions/473/
RDA Poster Session:
- NFDI4Chem: the federated repositories, Christian Bonatto Minella (FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure)
- Capturing Status Quo and Requirements of Data Literacy Education, Sarah Day, The National Research Data Infrastructure Association Germany (NFDI)
- To FAIR and Beyond: How NFDI and RDA Collaborate to Build the Infrastructure of the Future, Cord Wiljes, German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) e.V.
- Research data management as a service – how to best provide direct support in all stages of the landscape data life cycle?, Marcus Schmidt, Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V.
More information: https://www.rd-alliance.org/rdas-21st-plenary-poster-exhibition
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