Establishment of first sections


Possibility to comment on the section concepts

(Published on 10.08.2021) In several strategy workshops together with the consortia of the first round, four sections were identified. These will be prioritised and installed in NFDI:

  • (Meta)data, Terminologies and Provenance
    Common Infrastructures
  • Common Infrastructures
  • Training & Education
  • Ethical & Legal Aspects

The consortia developed concepts for these four sections. The Assembly of Consortia (Konsortialvesammlung) and the Director propose these for establishment, and the Scientific Senate (Wissenschaftlicher Senat) will approve them at its next meeting.
In order to make the concepts available to public at an early stage and to offer the opportunity for feedback, we would like to provide you with an overview of the abstracts in a shared document.

Click here to access the Google Doc. The document is open for commenting up to 31 August 2021 (inclusive).


The Directorate has the right to remove anonymous or inappropriate comments. In case of improper behaviour, the commenting function may also be closed earlier.

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Funding for new basic service

Base4NFDI is delighted to announce that the proposal has been accepted for funding of the initialisation phase following the Consortia Assembly’s decision!
This marks a growth in NFDI’s initiative to build basic services for consortia and demonstrates a step forward in the efforts to create RDM-enabling services from across the German research landscape.

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