(Published on 05.04.2023) On 31 March, the consortia assembly of the NFDI Association unanimously approved the funding of the basic service application “Identity and Access Management for the German National Research Data Infrastructure (IAM4NFDI)” by the collaborative joint project Base4NFDI.
This is intended to create the conditions for users from different disciplines, consortia and research institutions to be able to register for services and use them.

IAM4NFDI wants to connect existing solutions for this purpose. The application states as follows: “Identity and Access Management (IAM) deals with the processes, policies and technologies for managing digital identities and their access rights. A central goal of NFDI is to enable uniform access to data, software and computing resources as well as sovereign data exchange and collaborative work. To achieve this, the plan is to connect and extend existing and newly developed IAM systems in such a way that researchers from different fields and institutions can access digital resources within NFDI as easily as possible.”

This is the first basic service application to be launched by the consortia assembly. The proposal came from the NFDI section Common Infrastructures. It reflects the needs of a large number of research areas and NFDI consortia. Read more about the process here: Base4NFDI – How B4N will Decide.

Base4NFDI is a network of all NFDI consortia that aims to advance the development of NFDI-wide basic services. The project, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), is very closely interlinked with the NFDI Association and pursues the development of common technical infrastructures in a bottom-up process out of the NFDI consortia.

More information about Base4NFDI: https://base4nfdi.de/ 

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Funding for new basic service nfdi.software

Base4NFDI is delighted to announce that the nfdi.software proposal has been accepted for funding of the initialisation phase following the Consortia Assembly’s decision!
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