NFDI consortia publish statement on basic services

(Published on 18.01.2022, uptaded on 15.02.2022) At the Consortia Assembly of the Association German National Research Data Infrastructure on 14 January, the consortia represented in it approved the publication of a collective statement on the topic of basic services...

Relevant publications on the topic of basic services

(Published on 13.12.2021; updated on 01.02.2022) Before the end of January, the German Research Foundation (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) plans to publish a call for proposals on basic services consortia. We have collected published information on basic...

DFG publishes timetable for basic service consortia

(Published on 07.12.2021) The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) has published a schedule for the decision-making process for funding basic services in the National Research Data Infrastructure. According to the schedule, the call for...